Friday, December 2, 2011

(Picture/Video) @Yaris_Sanchez X Fun Friday = Winner... Oh NSFW @ video itself..

Oh so this was what all the 'fuss' was about @Yaris_Sanchez a couple of weeks ago?

I thought folks knew about this?? She doesn't hide this at all. @ what she has done.

(Shrugs) I don't think any less of her. Didn't when she spoke on during that Star interview (or in her USTREAMS) before.  Get your paper ma. Gotta wonder what kinda person it was who put this video with the music together.

The video itself is cool cause she is DOING HER THING and OF COURSE I (along with most males and some females) are gonna LOVE IT. So I am not acting like that is a problem. She is coherent. She knows and SHOW LOVE TO THE CAMERA so all is well. The caption and the song choice though? Yeah..someone was in their feelings out here. Plenty of shots taken at ole boy, unwarranted might I add, by doing titling the video as such. Joey* more than Lloyd as well due to the nature of...(I don't like to speak on that here. It is what it is. @ whatever it is they are doing...Not my business really..) 

Anyway....this shit goes HARD ON MUTE.  (I'm a Jay fan btw..He is in my top it isn't that...) Enjoy it however you like though along with some flicks of one of the baddest girls walking the Planet**. (Which is why folks come at her neck...)

I have to assume the 'Nobody is pushing 40 tweets' are a product of hate from the video..

 *I felt the need to address how I feel about the video SOLELY 'cause I didn't want folks to think I condoned certain parts of it. Like the song choice and shit. Sue me for being 'clear'. I know some of you niggas THRIVE off of controversy. Not this dude...I don't. I know how to 'clear speculation'. I don't let shit linger. If you do, good for you. See you on a T-Shirt though... @ those of you who 'love that shit'...

** There are a LOT OF BAD LADIES ON THE PLANET BTW...I am not an idiot. She is just one of them... Just giving props to her. Calm down and keep your thong outchea ass...